Today I am thankful for indoor plumbing and electricity. I know that Dave and I would be able to make it in this world without these amazing advances, but I would rather not have to endure that. But it makes me think about all of the different cultures and places in the world that either don't have these at all, or if they do, they are fairly unreliable. So thank you for indoor plumbing and electricity...things we take for granted pretty much every second of every day, but make life so much better.
As a side note, we did have to live without electricty for five days after a tornado-esque storm hit our neighborhood in 2009. We were the last section of street in the entire city to have power restored and I have to say that it wasn't pretty, it wasn't fun...but at least we had running water and hot water at that. I was thankful then for my ridiculous need to have candles in the house...because without them, we would have been in the dark, literally, for days!
.Just some random photos from this week.
11 years ago
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