Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tattoo Removal Stage 1 -- Continued

Just an update on my healing and tattoo removal process.
It is quite amazing how much it has faded in the past two and a half weeks...I can't wait to see what it looks like after the next session.

Timing it will be hard to do as we have quite a few things planned for the month of July and I'm not sure I'll be able to handle the worst part of the removal process...the itching! We found out that I am extremely allergic to medical tape adhesive...the welts lasted for over a week...but the real itching set in about a week after the session. Luckily, I found out that ice helps tremendously...but Eucerin lotion does not...again, aparently my ridiculously sensitive skin hates that too!

But here are some pics of the progress...

What it originally looked like...

48 Hours after my first session

1 Week After 1st Session

2.5 Weeks After 1st Session (it looks darker because the flash wasn't used, but trust me, it has faded quite a bit from its original state)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chocolate Cobbler

Me thinks I shall try this recipie soon...well, soon meaning when we have enough people at the house to eat it!

DIY: Terrariums

I have long been fascinated with terrariums...I even posted a DIY blog on how to create your own out of old ceiling lamp covers. Now I've come across another DIY article that I think you will enjoy. It gives you the basics of selecting your container, what plants you should use and how to inject some personality into your project.

Happy Reading!

Here's another terrarium blog for your reading pleasure:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Young Girls and their weight struggles

This is nothing new.

A new study came out this week informing all of us that between the years 1999 and 2006 hospitalizations for eating disorders in CHILDREN younger than 12-years-old increased 119%

The video you can see here shows a young girl discussing how she feels about her body and the pressures she feels to be thinner, to lose weight...and she's only 6!!!

I remember what it was like to be that young and feeling inadequate because my body type didn't match the other girls around me. I was always bigger, heavier, beefier...yes, there is a lot of muscle mass on this frame that I felt should go away...even when I was only 6. So this report and video, while shocking to some, just confirms what I always felt...and shows me 22 years later that I wasn't alone.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tattoo Removal - Stage 1

So, I have been wanting to get rid of my big tattoo for quite some time now...years really. The other day, a ridiculous Groupon became available for a laser removal place that uses FDA approved technology and had some pretty great reviews. Cosindering that 5 sessions normally cost around $1000 and I was able to get 5 sessions for $250, I thought I should jump at the chance.

Monday was my first appointment. I thought that it was just going to be a consultation (and to be honest, I had the choice) but it ended up being my first appointment.

The place I'm going to is called, What Were You Inking? and they have a very nice, clean, modern and comfortable office. My technician's name is Otto and he was extremely nice. He made sure I wasn't in pain (well, too much that is...) and had a very nice bedside manner.

Because I wasn't totally prepared to have Monday be my first session, I forgot to get a "before treatment" pic of my tattoo. But lucky for you, I have a picture of right after I got it, just over 10 years ago. How I found this picture, I have no idea, but here it is:

To be honest, over the past 10 years it faded a little, but it still looked pretty dang good for being over 10 years old. I made sure to keep it protected from the sun (which wasn't too hard since it is on my lower back and I regularly coat my entire body with SPF 50) and that definitely helped maintain the integrity of the colors and design.

So Otto and I go into one of the treatment rooms and he has me lay face down on a very comfortable tattoo chair. I asked all sorts of questions and he was more than happy to answer them for me. We discussed why I wanted to get rid of my tattoo and if the 5 sessions already purchased would be enough to get rid of the tattoo completely. He was upfront and honest, saying that he is going to try to get the tattoo off of my back in those 5 sessions, but that he can't make a guarantee. I thought that was a great business practice...honesty. That's something that most other places would lie to you about, so already, I felt confident in his abilities.

The process was actually quite fast. My first session was only about 15 - 20 minutes long. I'm not really sure how long I was in there, but that's my guess. The laser wavelength that he used for the outside rays of the sun hurt a bit...but kind of like getting snapped with a rubber band...or, if you have a tattoo, kind of like getting another one. He was fast with that section and let me take as many breaks as needed. Then it was time to switch wavelengths and tackle the inside moon. (Different wavelengths are needed for different ink colors.) This one had a much different noise and feeling. He was finished with this section in what seemed like no time at all!

I didn't take a picture of what it looked like the night of because some ridiculosity happened right after my appointment and I was too frustrated and flustered to actually take pics. But here are some pictures from last approx. 48 hours after treatment:

Sorry for the quality of the images. I took these myself last night after putting some Neosporin on it.

Not sure if you can tell, but it has faded quite a bit from where it was Monday afternoon. I think that the results will be even more dramatic in a few days when the swelling goes down. My skin is super sensitive, so Otto thought that I would blister, especially in the center, but luckily, no gross blisters have appeared...only a few scabs that will go away soon enough.

I can't wait to see what it looks like next week. Right now, I have to keep it clean, wear clothing that doesn't rub up against it (I don't want more scabs), and keep it moisturized. It doesn't hurt at all. Well, I guess there are some points in the day when it feels like I have a minor sunburn and if I ice it, then it isn't happy (but that's my own fault for putting my ice pack directly on the skin instead of using a barrier).

So with all of that, I'll keep you updated on the progress. I have to let this session heal for about 5 weeks and then I'll go in for session #2. If there has been this much progress after just one session though, I feel confident that the 5 sessions will be enough.

I just want to state that I'm not opposed to tattoos. I'm keeping the Egyptian Arabic writing I have below the removal site and I'm not opposed to getting another tatto in the future. There are some very emotionally charged reasons as to why I would like to get rid of the sun/moon combo, plus the fact that it came out rather cartoon-ish when I asked for nothing of the sort. Once the rebellion of my 18 year-old self faded (and let's be honest, it took a few years for that to happen) and I was able to accept the realities of what made me get this tattoo, I found myself in the position my mother had warned against...the desire to be rid of it.

As a side note, I let my mom know that she was right and she was very graceful about it...didn't even say, "I told you so!" =)

So as of right now, I'm happy with my decision. I do not regret getting my tattoo and if the opportunity to have such a discounted rate thanks to Groupon hadn't shown up, I would have dealt with it as I have for the past few years...that means, I generally forgot that it was there. But now, I feel like I can put the emotional stuff behind me. I have a healed heart and I would rather get rid of the physical memory of that tragic time.

I'll keep you posted on the developments...maybe share another picture after this session has healed a bit more.

Until then!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My friend Camille..

This is her typical day...

She lives off the grid, is a small business owner and a mom of two young kids.

Fairly amazing what she does!