Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The 30 before 30 list...even though I'm still 28 =)

In honor of Jana and to recap on this post, I thought that I would revisit things that I want to do/see/experience in the next few years. I'm going to pare down the list to something manageable that I think I might be able to handle in the next year and few months before I turn the big 30...

1) Get our dream house in Oregon

2) Move to Oregon

3) Get a fulfilling job

4) Get a crazy cake for my birthday...from an actual bakery and not one that I bake myself

5) Rent a cabin on Mt. Hood

6) Visit San Francisco as an adult

7) Skydive (this is my goal for the day of my 30th birthday)

8) Visit Vancouver, B.C.

9) Admit to those that don't read this blog and have felt the wrath of Amanda regarding babies, that the wrath was really because I have always wanted to be a mom and I want the timing to be right. When you give people that answer, they always fire back with, "the time will never be right"...but I know that for us, when it is time, it will be time. We are getting closer and the detached facade is slowly fading away...but time is still needed for me to admit that to those who push and push and push about us having babies...because we will when we are ready. For us, it is about the future and creating a future for our children that is better than what we had growing up...and before this point in our lives, that wouldn't have been possible.

10) Actually see Jana in person...whether it be in Berlin or the US

11) Learn how to garden with mom and/or dad

12) Learn how to be a handywoman around the house (more so than I already am)

13) Get a hot tub

14) Stay in the hotel we spent our wedding night in for our anniversary

15) Visit Vicki in Kona

16) Start actually writing my book...I don't know what this will look like...I have a ton of ideas in my head, but as soon as I sit down to write, they I hope to get that flightiness under control

17) Ax all of the external drama from our lives as much as possible

18) Stop trying to help everyone that I love all of the time. Sometimes you have to let them figure out their own problems because at the end of the day, it is their life and not yours

19) Find the perfect iced tea...we had some at the Thai place by our house a while back, but they wouldn't tell me what type it was

20) Try Dim have I not done this? I'm thinking we can try this in the next few weekends =)

21) Give more to charity

22) Participate in the AIDS walk

23) Make a souffle...that doesnt fall

24) Start preparations to go back to school for my masters

25) Introduce my Oregon family to good Italian food...since I do believe that none of them have had anything that we have ever our 3 day sauce with homemade meatballs or lasagna with homemade sauce

26) Learn that no matter how many times you proofread something, there will always be mistakes...

27) Create a bucket list of things to do in Denver before our time here comes to an end...and actually do everything that is on there

28) Plant more trees, compost more, and make wherever we are into an oasis/sanctuary in this crazy world

29) Try not to worry about the future so much. Although our decisions and actions today effect days to come, all we can do is try to do our best in every situation we find ourselves in.

30) Start expanding our family...when the time is right for us.

1 comment:

  1. awesome! I might be a bit biased here, but I especially like your number 10. ;)
    But really all the things are awesome!
