So these aren't the best pictures, but they will have to do for now...they don't show everything that is up, but it should give you a good idea of what we're working with.
As many of you know, I'm basically a five year old trapped in a 28 year old's body...I love being a kid at heart and with that comes a terrific love of Christmas. Even though we grew up poor, I have some extremely wonderful memories of Christmas. There's the Christmas that my dad stole a Cabbage Patch Doll out of another lady's cart because it was the "IT" gift of the year, or the first Christmas we spent in our house after apartment living. Then there are the memories of the Christmas program at church and the progression of my roles in it going from being an angel to a donkey with one line to being Mary.
Now that I am older, I love to share my joy of Christmas with everyone I know. I like to have the house decorated and to invite all of my loved ones (friends and family) to Christmas dinner, even if it isn't being held at my own house. I love to be surrounded by relatives and in-laws, even if they drive me crazy sometimes. And I love to see a lit up Christmas Tree in the corner of our living room surrounded by piles of presents for the people I love.
This past weekend Dave and I started off the Christmas Decorating Extravaganza by tromping out into the forest to find the perfect tree. There is a program here where you pay $10 for a permit and you can go out into selected portions of national forest and cut one that's what we did. I stocked the car with water, hot tea, pb&j sandwiches and fresh apples. Mina was excited to go on a ride and off we went.
The woods were crowded with tree cutters of all ages. We tried to find a spot where we could actually park and go hiking...after driving on a washboard dirt road, we finally found that spot, pulled over and prepared for our walk. I didn't think that we would be traipsing for so long or so far from our car because I forgot to bring not only the camera with me, but also water and one of our cell phones in case we got lost.
At every turn it seemed like we had found the perfect tree, but it was not meant to be. The good ones were actually two trees growing together or one side of the tree was completely missing. We found evidence of people topping trees, which was against the rules and after an hour of searching, I understood why people threw caution to the wind and did that...because it was impossible to find a descent tree.
Finally after two hours of losing one another, calling out, getting dirty and bruised while climbing rock out cropings and high grade hills, I spotted it. I wasn't sure at first, I thought that it was another of the forest's tricks, but there was the tree! Of course, it was 10 feet tall and after we cut it down I wasn't so sure about it, but we carried it over a mile back to the car, which Dave somehow found after I started using my Bear Grylls skills.
We drove the hour back home with the tree on the top of the car and let it fall overnight while we celebrated a birthday with one of our dear friends.
Sunday was spent hanging lights on the outside of the house and then decorating the inside. Once the lights were on the tree, it looked slightly Charlie Brown-esque, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And shockingly, we ran out of ornaments, which never I guess it was the right tree after all.
Sunday evening was spent with me wrapping all the presents I have purchased over the past two months while Dave worked with a long time friend on some man stuff. When the friend left, there was the beautiful tree, surrounded by piles of presents for friends and family.
I couldn't stop smiling...and still can't.
Maybe someday I'll get a picture of the tree up, but for now just know that it is Christmas time and it makes me happy.
Tomorrow we will be driving up to the mountains in search of the perfect tree! Not to worry, we have a permit to cut down that precious Christmas decoration.
In honor of tomorrow, I would like to show you what decorating at our house sometimes looks like:
While the virus is terrible and has caused so much heartache, I have to say that it is a happy day. We are one step closer to a vaccine and even to a cure. Those with access to care are staying healthier for longer and are able to enjoy life that much more.
I pray that scientists are able to come up with a viable cure in the next 10 years...because there are so many people around who need their help.